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Executive Meeting

2017-04-04 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Meeting proceedings began @ 7:15pm. Doors open @ 6:30pm

Chairperson: Dean H.

Invitees: Bob Adamschek, Bruno Antonello, Nigel Burden, Rick Forster, Bob Hammersley, Cecil Henley, Dean Hodgson, Ted Kenner, Jim Loring, Tom Murray, Norm Neiderer, Mike Nihls, Wally Nowak, Bob Pokorny, Daryl Spiers, Jessica Van Ireland, Bob Wright

Minute Recorder: Mike N.

Observers/ Guests: Angus Hunter, Tim McKinnon


1. Call to Order: Dean H.
2. Adoption of Agenda: Dean H.
3. Adoption of Minutes of March 07,2017: Dean H.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Daryl S.
5. Membership Report: Nigel B.
6. Transition Committee Report on Proposed Changes to Constitution and Bylaws: Mike N., Jim L., Daryl S., Wally N.

* Note- 3 attachments will be provided – Briefing Note- Summary of proposed changes;

– Copy of Tracked Changes to original Bylaws;

– Clean copy of Constitution and Bylaws with proposed changes

7. AV Equipment Handoff/ Expectations ( 5 Minutes): Angus Hunter
8. Website Address and WebPage Costing Update ( 5 Minutes): Tim McKinnon
9. Program for April 18 Swap Meet: All
10. Program for May 16 Casting Clinic: Bruno A.
11. Fly Pattern and Tyer(s) for April 11th: All
12. Other Business: All
13. Adjourn: All


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
