This coming Saturday, Apri 28th, a past president by the name of Bob Hammersly will be holding a stream side session about bugs. You will have an opportunity to dig through the muck at the rivers’ edge and figure out what them trout are after. The whole thing starts at 10:00am and will wrap up about noon. Then off for a burger and fries at the local A&W.
And there is more! There will be a group of guys attempting to reach the far side of the river with their preferred weapon….the Spey/Switch rod. Bring yours along and work out the kinks with the group. If, like me, you may be trying just to get it out to the near shore.
This all happens river side at Puntledge Park, on 1st street just up from Menzies Road in Courtenay. There will be a google map link to help you find your way.
Hopefully see you there!