Small Streams Anyone?

Welcome Forums Fish Outs Small Streams Anyone?

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    Long time Tenkara practitioner John Vetterli of Tenkara Guides LLC sums it up quite nicely, “Tenkara is not mystical, exotic, Zen, or any of that. It is just simply a method of fly-casting. There are no hard rules. There is no single and correct Tenkara method. Tenkara is a reflection of the angler who uses the tools and techniques to suit his/her natural environment, fish species, knowledge and skill base they bring to the table from past fishing experience. Tenkara is just you.”
    Myself, being a “Tenkara is just you” kind of guy, meaning that I am often found fishing upstream, downstream, across stream, dabbling or just about anyway a fly can be effectively presented to a suspected fish hold. Vancouver island has so many little creeks, rivulets, brooks, burns and rills which, quite surprisingly sometimes, hold fish, that an ultimately packable, telescoping fly rod is just the ticket for exploring such waters. The creek connecting Divers lake with Rossiter lake, the tiny burn flowing through Paradise Meadows and Tlools creek, a tributary to Elk river come to mind.
    Anyone else out there exploring the less traveled waters?

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