Island Beach Access Maps

In today’s beach fishing scene not much is really new. We stand upon the shoulders of our great forebears and strive to elevate the practice to the next level. Fly-fishers like Roderick Haig-Brown in Campbell River and General Noel Money in Qualicum Beach were early pioneers of casting a fly to salmonids in the estuaries and near-shore salt waters. Although fly patterns may have changed considerably since those early days, the challenge and allure of fly fishing off-the-beach remains the same.

That portion of East-Central Vancouver Island bracketed by Haig-Brown in the North and Noel Money in the South offers some outstanding beach fishing opportunities. Several rivers and countless fish bearing brooks and rills spill into the salt-chuck along this part of the coast. So many so that it seems this whole expanse, over ninety-two kilometers long, is one elongated estuary. And, as fly-fishers, we are fortunate indeed so much of it is open to us through free access across public land.

This guidebook to finding these access points was created to assist with getting to various beach areas. Some are simply drive-to and park-at beachside dead-end roads. Others require a relatively short hike along a well-trodden trail. Some access points are well marked with official signage. Others are more obscure, but still easy to locate. Some have official names, while others are known only through a descriptive moniker. To further assist with locating them, accurate global positioning system (GPS) latitude and longitude co-ordinates are supplied. This publication may help you get to the beach but will not guarantee catching a fish while there. On how to do that, you will have to discover for yourself.

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