Spidermen on BSL

BSL with Roy rowing in the distance.

Ang here. Spidermen descend onto their homeland…headline read. Probably not proper Anglish but that’s what happened. OMG what a wonderful day. Bright, calm (mostly) and some fishes being caught. Everyone agreed “it’s a good, good day to be on our homeland err water world”.

Nigel asks the question “where’s Waldo?” and I ask ” where’s Roy in the photo above?”. Well he is the small white dot dead centre. So that means I was the first to enter Cottage Row. My Spidey senses felt this would be a good day and low and behold Angz Beauty produced a very fat 18+ right off the bat. All in all I got 6 kept 2. The last 5 were all up top on Rolled Muddler (thanks Tom). Ron graciously provided the photo below.

Lot’s of birds of the raptor type. 2 Baldies, 2 new Osprey (being escouted from the lake) and a group of “Wultures” circling above us…wonder what that means? Ron stayed after I left @ 4. He reported not much activity of the fish type but I know in the evening there is no better place than a calm Spider near sunset. He got off the lake about 7.

Ang out.