About the Comox Valley Flyfishers Club

The Comox Valley Fly Fishers (CVFF) is a social club devoted to the sport of fly fishing.

We share fishing locations and techniques, fly tying ideas, materials and methods, and casting systems..

We meet three times each month from September to June in the basement meeting room of the Native Son’s Hall.
The first meeting is the directors meeting to discuss what fly we will tie for the next meeting and what the agenda for the third Tuesday will be, as well as other club business.  The second meeting is for instructional fly tying and the third is our general meeting, sometimes with a guest speaker.  All meetings start at 7 P.M. in the evening.

Along with the regular meetings a variety of events are held throughout the year to serve as social gatherings, fund raising, and skill improvement. The events change each year but can include a Christmas Party, Casting Games Swap Meet, and Casting Lessons including “on river” instructions. Often the club and/or individual members will call a “Fish Out” at one of the local lakes, rivers or beaches but may include special trips to the interior of BC.

The club works with schools and other organizations to teach the art of fly fishing and fly tying.  We also have a number of members who work in salmon enhancement organizations throughout the Comox Valley. Join Us Now!

The club welcomes anyone who is interested in joining us for the fun and joy of fly fishing and fly tying!

In the beginning…

In March of 1994 a loose-knit group of fly fishers came together to form what would eventually be called the Comox Valley Fly Fishers club. The inaugural meeting took place in a small room at the Courtenay Recreation Association facility in Courtenay.

In attendance were John Snook, Jim Cunning, Ralph Shaw, Robert H. “Bob” Jones, Barry Thornton, Rory Glennie, Tom Murray, Dan Mooney and a couple of more people, who’s names are waiting to be remembered. This small group could be considered the Founding Fathers of the club.

Each person kicked in twenty dollars as their initial club member dues and a quick election was held. John Snook became the first duly elected President of the new fly fishing club. Dan Mooney sat as Secretary/Treasurer. Four or five others donned the mantle of club Directors. It was official, the Comox Valley Fly Fishers was alive.

Jim Cunning took on the task of designing a club logo which was emblematic of the Comox Valley. That turned out to be a stylized fly-fisher casting a fly line over the waters of Comox Bay, with the Comox glacier – Queneesh – in the background.

The purpose of the new fly club was solely focused on camaraderie, education and sharing information. Promoting the fun of fly fishing to prospective newcomers was a big part of the CVFF club objective. Each of the founders was a long time member of various organizations which were active in the factionalized fisheries political arena. They all saw the need for a truly social club of like-minded folks; people who could leave the fish politics and all that entailed at the door. They wanted to establish a relaxed atmosphere at club meetings where all members could share and laugh and exchange ideas without hesitation. That goal was realised and happily continues to this day, nearly a quarter-century later. Join Us Now!