Fly Tying BibleMany thanks to Kris Kissinger for all the time he spent scanning our fly book so that we can all share it. Dry Flies Tom Thumbs The Stimulator Small Dry Fly Rickies Grizzly Parachute Emerger (A Hatrching Fly) Generic Dry Fly Deer Hair Caddis Generic Dry Fly Biot Cripple Interior Trout Water Boatman Beaded Bloodworm Bloodworm Caddis Nymph Chan’s Chironomid Chironomid Damsel Fly Nymph Daves Maroon Leach Glass Bead Caddis Emerger Halfback Irish Pheasant Isla’s Special Lake Leaches Leather Leach Llama Leaches Merrissa’s Magic Olive Skud Red Devil Shrimp Fly Trueblood’s Caddis Tunkwanamid Island Trout The Oyster Grub The Rolled Muddler Coastal Chironomid Kid’s Camp Wooley Worm Maple Lake Chironomid Emerger Maple Lake Chironomid The Unknown They’re Hatin’ It Blue Bug Bruiser Wooly Bugger Cliff Garate #1 Coho King Beach Fly Coho Shrimp Criel Flashy Dashy Fry Fly Handle Bar Holographic Pink Fly Jack’s Blob JR’s Pink Euphasid Kelsey’s Hope Kenzie Cuthberts E-N-T Gold Muddler Minimal Shrimp Mod Psycho Needle Fish Needlefish Olive Green Leach Pink Beach Fly Pink Mustache & Shrimp Pink Rive Pink & UV Pink Shrimp Shawn Brown Shrimp Shrimp The Bruiser