Searun Cutthroat Trout Fishout May 1, 2022

Welcome Forums Fish Outs Searun Cutthroat Trout Fishout May 1, 2022

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  • #11127
    Tim McKinnon

    Date: Sunday, May 1

    Place: Parking lot at the Wrecks in Royston

    Time: 7:30 am

    When I moved to the Island twelve years ago I committed to learning all I could about how to catch searun cutthroat trout. There is always more to learn but I feel like I’m understanding what it takes to be successful in chasing this amazing game fish and my hope is I can pass some of what I’ve learned on to you.

    We are fortunate indeed to have so many places to fish locally and Royston is a good place to start.

    Details of the Fish Out:

    Because the space to fish is limited, I am going to keep this Fish Out to a maximum of six club members. First six members to email me ( get the spots on the water. However, other club members are welcome to join us for my talk and to observe.

    My recommendation for gear is a five or six weight rod, floating line, nine-foot tapered leader to 3x and then tie on a two-foot tippet section of 4x.

    We are in the water, so you need waders and dress warmly.

    Normally we fish minnow patterns, something like a rolled muddler size #8 – #12. I will have a few extras with me. Most small sized sparsely tied minnow patterns will work.

    We will meet at the parking lot at the Wrecks in Royston at 7:30 am on Sunday, May 1. We will talk about our set up, life cycle of the fish, what they eat, tides and structure to give you an idea of how to find these fish on your own. Then head down to the water for a couple of hours of fishing. This is a very tide dependent fishery and the quality of the fishing and length of time varies depending on the tide.

    This would be an ideal Fish Out for newer members and those who have not yet gotten out to experience searun cutthroat fishing. After our morning together you should be able to walk the miles of beaches from Campbell River south to Nanoose on your own with reasonable success.

    Send me an email to sign up and I look forward to a great morning on May 1.

    Rod Hamilton

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